More magazines!
I thought I needed a project to do. I mean with my kiddos being gone and I so close to going insane in this quiet house, I knew I needed to act fast. So, with that said, I decided to cut out all the pictures that have inspired me. I already had white binders on hand so I then took sleeve protectors and put all my favorites in. I got out the scrap book paper and labeled each one according to the room. As you can see I needed several so I did a Bed & Bath, which I might have to separate down the road, a Dining Room, Kitchen, Kids Rooms, Living Room, Home Office and I even did a Craft/Craft Room, Recipe, Christmas and Halloween, I just don't have the last 4 in the picture.
This is one of my favorite bedroom pictures. I mean look at that mirror?
Great Living Room! The mirror and chair are fabulous!
What a fun rolling bar!
Great kitchen, love the open shelving!
This picture was the inspiration behind my finding metal pieces to go on my counter front! I love the look!
Fab black wall behind the bed, maybe it was chalkboard I don't remember. I love the mix of pieces in this room. They seem to be from different eras but they work together!
Well I've got tons of magazines to get through and not a lot of time. My kids are coming home today and I can't wait!
Happy Saturday to you all! The sun is finally out!

What a great idea! You could do that with any magazine obsession (cooking, fashion, vacations) you name it! I think I'll have to get myself organized one afternoon.
Love this idea. I had manila folders labeled for each room, and when we did a mini-remodel on our house I pulled pic of how I wanted my rooms to look and put them in the white binder inside sleeves. It made my shopping SO much easier at places like the tile and granite stores. Instead of wandering around looking at rock samples, I just pulled out my notebook and said, "do you have anything like this?"
I would be SO excited to have my stuff all organized like that! I'm impressed. Stuff like your notebooks are the good thing about having a cast. I too got a lot done with I was stuck at home with a cast. Hope your kids come home soon, I bet you really miss them.
Take care, Sue
Wow, I would kill to be even half this very jealous!!!
I have some of the very same "tear sheets" that you kept. I must laugh because I am a magazine addict too except my tear sheets need to be organized.
What a fantastic idea, saves having to flick thru countless magazines every time you want to go back to a pic you love but can't remember what mag it was in... I confess, My name is Trish & I am a magazine addict as well!!!
I do much the same notebook thing for mag. ideas, but with diff. labels like, medical, fashion, decorating, recipes, etc. You can also use the photo albums with the "magnetic" clear sheets that lift off. You can stick a few articles in there and place the film back over it.
Well, you can definitely count me in as a design magazine addict as well. I do have them everywhere. I am so impressed with your project and neat labeling. I actually started clipping my magazines and filing them but have yet to finish. It is one of my many projects. Thanks for the inspiration.
I love that you do this. My dad does this, too.
You are such an inspiration! Now I just need to get off my duff and get this done! I have magazines from five years ago! What am I thinking?
Hi Megan,
I have always loved interiors magazines and had so many in our loft that we thought the ceiling might have caved in so, I got rid of them. I now only buy two....Country Living UK and Jeanne d'Arc Living.
Many thanks for your lovely comment on my giveaway post. You are a kind, loyal and generous blogging friend and I'm so sorry that I have overlooked you. I have found it so difficult to comment on everyone who comments on mine. I'm on the computer 24/7 as it is !! I will try to do better !
Have a lovely new week. XXXX
Great job! I really need to do something like this!
Thank you for stopping by with get well wishes the other day!
Oh, your stiches!! Ouch, how much longer for the new cast?
You are amazing...I wish I could do half of this:) Have a wonderful Sunday, sweetie
Hi, Megan! I'm veeery late returning visits this week, but I wanted to stop by and say "hi." :)
I can join you in your decorating magazine addict group. Except I also need to add in Martha Stewart, Good Housekeeping, All You, etc. :s I have a problem!!
PS. I am totally going to have to feature this idea. :)
Now do a little Modge podge with some and you are good to go!!~ Hope all is well.
now that is impressive!! jx
I love this idea! My inspiration book is overflowing!!
This is a great idea- I've done this with recipies but not with my design mags. Love it!
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