I just downloaded this to my Kindle and if anyone has read it I would love to hear your thoughts!
There was a paragraph that I loved ~
"That's what I love about reading: one tiny thing will interest you in a book, and that tiny thing will lead you onto another book, and another bit there will lead you onto a third book. It's geometrically progressive ~ all with no end in sight, and for no other reason than sheer enjoyment".
Guess what? I have a favorite little person visiting from California today, I'm so excited!
Yes, its Vivienne! Viv and her mommy are coming and staying through the weekend!
Now how many projects can we get done?
Stay tuned!
Haven't read that yet but it's on my list to read! Have fun with your visitors! yay!
I LOVED this book. Charming story, and I loved how the lives of the characters were woven together. It provided a different perspective on this time period. Loved it.
I just downloaded my first book for Kindle on my iphone- The Help. Great book, and nice to have a book with me at all times too!
Megan...read it, loved it!!! I then went on to give it as gifts to family and friends for the rest of the year. Reminds me of Charring Cross Road by Helen Hanff...I read that again shortly after. Both stories are great, enjoy!
I haven't read it but I did add it to my list after Jeanne at Collage of Life recommended it. So please let me know how you like it. I love that book quote too!
And what a cute visitor you have! Enjoy your weekend!
I absolutely loved loved loved this book:) It is such a treat! You are going to love it too. It was great.
Hi Megan
Oh your little visitor is so darling, what a cutie pie. Enjoy your special time with family. I am going to ask hubs to get me that book so I can share my thoughts with you:) Have a wonderful Wednesday!
After reading your post about The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society book, I went into my library and took the book off the shelf. It has been so long since I read it (last year?) that I don't remember details, but I do remember that I liked it VERY much - enough to keep it. I might just have to re-read it now.
The paragraph you quoted are my thoughts exactly!
That quote from the book could describe blogging as well couldn't it! I loved this book...loved the way it was written entirely through the exchange of letters, taking you back to a time when we did that, and really expressing the characters so much better than pure narrative would have done I think. We had this for our book club and there wasn't a person who didn't like it. Enjoy the read.
Aww, she's such a cutie pie. Gosh, she has gotten big. But, that happens, right?
BTW, I thought of you today when I bought Hebrew National hot dogs. I am so, so glad you suggested those. I really like the taste of hotdogs. I just can't get past the whole lips and assholes thing. So, I trust these are better :)
And, I am still laughing at that hilarious 101 thing you posted earlier in the week.
Hope you have a blessed Easter, friend.
I loved this book, it's such a charming lovely book, great vacation reading :)
you totally need to sign up for goodreads. I love reading too - never read that book though.
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