As I mentioned before I left, I have a huge fear of flying and I'm also very claustrophobic. I made sure I calmed myself down with a couple of Bloody Marys before I even got to the airport! Not only was I trying to calm my nerves down, but I was also trying to block out my ugly shirt choice that I think I might be burning and my ugly humidity frizzy hair from my mind! Boy I hate having my picture taken!
And then with the help of a lovely woman I met on the plane she treated me to another Bloody Mary, to hopefully dull the senses a little or could it have been, that even though she was a frequent flyer, I think I was making her a little nervous!
Claire was very excited to get on the plane and was so hoping to sit by the window!
The flight was only a little bumpy and that's because Claire lost her front tooth on the plane and we bumped heads to get down and find it!
Once we made it to the Denver Airport we found out that our plane was canceled and they weren't sure if it was going to be leaving at all that night. At the time is was 9:45 so we made it to the bathroom and then off to check if the board was updated. The board then said not leaving until after midnight! Crap are you kidding me. I have to sit in this airport with a 6 year old? Argh! The board then was updated to say, leaving at 1:40! Yes that's 1:40 a.m. people.
Wow, would you look at that crazy curl, at least the one on the right is is having a good hair day!
Once we got on board I told Claire it was time for her to sleep, I mean after all it was 2 in the morning! I being the freak I am do not sleep on a plane, hey if I'm going down I guess I need to know it and let everyone know how I feel about it!
Claire eventually fell asleep but woke up right when we landed and had to desperately use the bathroom. I said she needed to hold it because we were almost to the gate. I could tell that she wasn't going to make it so I said hurry go! We were only two rows from the bathroom but she came running back crying saying the woman yelled at her! Claire was crying and doing that potty squirm in the seat and I knew that was not a good thing, so I got up and went on back and the flight attendant who was a snot yelled at me. She said, "You cannot use the bathroom, it is locked!" "Well crap, she is going to end up using the seat as a potty!" She said, "well I will have to call the captain and have him stop the plane if she really has to go"?
Like I was going to say, "Why yes please stop the plane for my daughter!" Hell no, I'm not going to be that person! I then begged Claire to hold it and told her all the things I would buy her just so she wouldn't let it go. How do you tell a little one who is barely awake to not pee herself? Just as I'm promising Claire a pony and a trip to the moon, the flight attendant walks up to us and says, "Ok, I spoke to the captain so hurry, go!" I told Claire to run, and prayed she would hurry. I felt many eyes on me as I kept looking back hoping the flight attendant would give Claire a little space so she wouldn't have stage fright!
We finally made our way up the plane and I made sure when I saw the captain that we stopped to thank him. I told him how thankful we were, that he stopped the plane so my daughter could use the bathroom and not have an accident in the seat. He looked at me oddly and said, "Ugh, you're welcome!" I then winked and smiled and said, "thank you for all your help!", to the snotty flight attendant who was then embarrassed because she knew she was caught! So there you have it, the plane was not stopped! Hey folks it was 3 in the morning, don't mess with me!
Well what a trooper Claire was for me. Boy was she tired and a little whiny. We finally ended up getting to my sister's house at 3:30 that morning. I believe I was then up before 6 because of this little creature.........
But hey, she was worth no sleep!
I have many many more adventures to share with you so check back this week! Oh and I met a fabulous blogger on my trip, she is a hoot and I love her so much! So stay tuned!
So happy to be back, I've missed all of you!
Glad to see you back...Missed your posts:)
What a story...I am so glad that Claire managed to get to the toilet....You girls look so cute together:)
Hugs and kisses
bout time:) glad you had a nice trip and a rather good experience:) Losing a tooth is always fun! hehe
You have a way with telling a story. You are so funny! I bet you are happy that flight adventure is behind you. Too bad you couldn't just of clicked your ruby heels together (wouldn't of that of been so much easier?).
Yay for you for confronting the snotty flight attendant! :)
Welcome back Megan....what a flight you had..which airlines???
Great to hear from you today, look forward to more stories...
Deep breath!!
Jeanne xx
Oh i am so happy you are back girlie, glad that you had a great time. I love the photos of you and Claire too cute.
Love you
Kay so that flight attendant. . . ew. That ticks me off. Please say you in a way gave her a piece of your mind. Please?
This post was AMAZINGLY fun! Claire is a cutie and I think your pictures look good. {Blushing, are you? :) :)}
I am so glad you got through it all...Claire is a doll face, how could you be nervous with her around!
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