Thursday, May 27, 2010

100th Post = Surgery Day!

Never in a million years did I think that my 100th post would be about me going into surgery! Thank Heaven for my wonderful sister Amy and Vivienne who flew in last night to help with the kiddos! It turns out, that my husband is on call Friday through Monday for the Memorial Weekend, so I don't think we will see much of him. Today is the day for my tendon repair in my ankle. I will be checking in today at 1:00 and surgery will be around 3:00p.m. I am told I will be in a splint for a couple days and then a cast put on, on Monday!
I will have my sister update you on the details and hopefully if my husband remembers to bring the camera, then you might see a few pictures!

I imagine this is how I will look for the first few days!

I'm hoping my drive and not being able to sit still will have me up and looking like this in no time!

Wish me luck and patience in not having control around my house, ugh!


Home's Where My Heart Is said...

Good luck! Great timing on your sister being there since your husband is on call. Sweet!


River-Rose said...

Good Luck on your surgery! Use the recovery time to put your feet up and relax! xoxo

The Whispering Creek House said...

hope your up and running soon! good luck and thanks for stopping by my blog! its great having ya over!

Beatnheart said...

all the very best Megan

Debbiedoos said...

Good luck Megan.....hoping for a speedy recovery!~

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Best of luck dear Megan
Break a leg!!! xxx Julie

Kate said...

Praying for a speedy recovery and lots of SPOILING!!!! Love you sweet girl


Sue said...

You will be fine! I promise. As I told you before I broke my ankle five years ago, cast up to my knee, no weight on my foot, etc. It totally sucked but if you are like me, you learn how to manuever those crutches so you can do more. Caution, it sucks to fall down. It doesn't hurt, you just have to figure out how to fetch your crutches and get off the floor at the same time. Also, don't attempt to drive, not a good idea. It was my right ankle, so when I attempted to drive, well, let's just say, "don't try it". I wish you the best, and if you need anymore helpful tips on "how to survie a cast and crutches", just email me.

Take care, Sue

MrsDixon said...

Good luck! I just had a torn rotator cuff surgery in my shoulder! was a bummer! But, I am sure you will do great! Plus, while your sitting and recovering, and heavily medicated- you will have plenty of time for great blogging!

Stephanie said...

Good luck and best wishes for a speedy recovery!

Dharma said...

Get better soon! Oh, and let everyone do only get that once in a blue moon!!!

Kim said...

Oh, Happy 100th Post! And good luck with the surgery. Hope you have a speedy recovery!

Mandi@TidbitsfromtheTremaynes said...

Good luck! Keeping my fingers crossed everything goes perfect!

Suz said...

You have a great attitude about things. It shows in your writing and this will help your healing. Just think... you'll have a lot of time to catch up on our blogs and write yours. Looking forward to hearing about your speedy recovery. :)

Sawdust Girl said...

I hope all went well. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

Kerry said...

Megan I do hope it's not too painful, uncomfortable, awful (bet that made you feel better!) Seriously, good luck. I'm sure it will go well and hats off to your sister for coming to the rescue. Think of all the lovely time you'll have to read!

my Grama's Soul said...

Hope all goes well with that foot surgery. are being cut please take it easy for a while and take care of yourself.



Polly said...

Good luck and wishing you a speedy recovery!! And congrats on 100 posts!!


René said...

Soon you will be on the mend. I'm rooting for you and isn't it great that your friend can be there for you?

I hope your weekend goes well.

Julie Johnson said...

Hope all goes well..thinking of you!!!

Ashley Schott said...

Omg you poor thing!!! I hope everything goes well and I will be praying that you have a super speedy recovery!
Guess what???! I have something that might make you feel better....
You won my giveaway!!! YAH! Whenever you're able email me so I know where to send your goodies:)

lillalotta said...

Wishing you the best of luck! Do get better soon!

♥Frann♥ said...

Hey ladies... Im here to invite you all to visist my blog,MANY AWESOME GIFS N PIXELS,and its FREE.Uptades everyday.Dropp there and check it!(^з^)−☆Kiss!!

Be Colorful Coastal said...

Oh wow. i have had a crazy busy week and I am just catching up on my blog reading. So sorry to hear about your ankle. That blows. If I know anything about you though, I am guessing it won't slow you down for long.
Here's to mending quickly.

Shannan Martin said...

Holy cow, girl. You've been through the wringer! Oh, and what a rip off with that "anonymous" comment you received about the sicko movie. Ugh.

No Phone Call Is Worth It!